Google and Specialized Bicycles have teamed up to take the bike company’s long-time marketing slogan, “Innovate or Die” to an entirely new level.
The companies, along with San Francisco ad firm Goodby Silverstein & Partners, are holding a contest to see who can come up with “innovative ways to harness pedal power”. Participants are being asked to create a two-minute or less YouTube video by December 15th. The grand prize is $5,000* and the winner will announced in January.
Given Portland’s penchant for pedal power, I figured there’s gotta be someone out there that can win this. I can think of one guy in particular who would be an instant front-runner.
For more details on the contest check out Innovate-Or-Die.com and watch this YouTube group for entries.
*Is it just me, or does a $5,000 prize seem a bit uninspiring? I figured the one of the world’s richest corporations could cough up a bit more.