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Companies rise to Bike Commute Challenge

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

With the Bike Commute Challenge in high gear this month, many local companies are going the extra mile to get their employees to go by bike.

From free maintenance clinics to group rides, here’s a rundown of what three different companies are doing to rise to the occassion of the Bike Commute Challenge.

The Portland Development Commission
Project Coordinator Joanne Daunt says, “Here at the PDC, we are trying to encourage tons of people to participate in the Bike Commute Challenge.”

To make that a reality, here’s what Daunt says they’ve got planned:

The PDC has clearly gone bike-crazy. Staffer Matthew Collier tells me they recently won a “Flexbike” as part of the Westside Transportation Alliance’s Carefree Commuter Challenge Bikeshare Giveaway competition.

Collier says they’ve already set up an online reservation system for the bike and hope to have an entire fleet someday, “We envision it as a local alternative transportation option that will allow PDC staff to attend meetings and events throughout the central city and neighborhoods. Basically it works like a Flexcar, minus the pollution and cost.”

Portland NBC affiliate KGW is also getting into the spirit. According to Online Editor Frank Mungeam, they’re “putting the pedal to the metal, two-wheeled style.” They’ve blogged about it and they’re encouraging KGW bike commuters to post their experiences.

Mungeam says there are five employees committed so far and that he’s still working hard to recruit more. They’ve also got a friendly competition going with KINK Radio to see who can take more trips by bike.

Con-way Freight
Con-way employee Kevin Wagoner wrote in to invite me on their Group Commute ride this Friday morning. Here’s what else they’ve got planned:

Con-way is using this flyer
to spread the word.

It’s great to see these companies working so hard to get their employees to commute by bike.

What is your company doing?

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