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Take TriMet’s online Bikes on MAX survey

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Hanging on the MAX
(Photo: Jonathan Maus)

As promised last week, TriMet has just released the online version of their Bikes on MAX survey.

They say it’s, “the most comprehensive study of bikes on light rail transit conducted to date in the U.S.”

This survey is not to be confused with the version they’ve been passing out to cyclists aboard trains for the past few weeks.

Here’s more from the official statement sent along with the survey announcement:

“TriMet wants to learn more about people who ride both bikes and MAX light rail. We have very little information about how many people are taking bikes on MAX and/or biking to MAX. This survey will tell us where bikers are coming from and where they are going. We also want to know how riders are using our bike parking facilities and about the types of trips they are making (work, recreation, school, etc.). This information will help TriMet improve integration of bicycles and MAX.”

The survey will be active through 11:59pm on Friday, August 24th.

Click here to take the survey.

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