Shawn Granton and story by
Portlander Mykle Hansen.
The current issue of the always excellent Vancouver BC-based Momentum Magazine has some notable Portland coverage.
There’s a great story titled Bicycle Dream Date by local writer (and much more) Mykle Hansen. Its a great account of a full day on a bike and Hansen manages to weave in much of what makes life on a bike in Portland so, well, dreamy.
My favorite line is, “Biking in Portland is like being gay in San Francisco: it’s just normal.”
Hansen’s article is partnered with a full-page illustration by well-known Portland artist Shawn Granton.
Then, just a few pages later is a nice profile of some guy who does a bike blog. The well-written story is by Justin Berger and the photo is by Portlander Dat Nguyen.
You can check out the entire issue online at MomentumPlanet.ca.