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BTA claims victory in SK Northwest battle

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) reports a victory over SK Northwest after SK’s development application appeal was denied Friday by the City of Portland Hearings Office.

At issue was whether or not SK Northwest has to include a bike/ped trail along their proposed riverfront development.

According to the BTA, SK’s most recent appeal was shot down because it,

“failed to include the required greenway trail and included plans to build within the greenway setback.”

It’s been over a year since news of SK’s intentions filtered out into the community and their proposal has been denied several times on various grounds (read the full saga in my archives).

But the BTA’s Executive Director Evan Manvel says Friday’s decision is especially significant because,

“Even though their first application was denied, the decision found the city’s trail requirement to be unconstitutional. Now, with their second application the hearings officer found the trail to be constitutional and the city’s trail requirement was upheld.”

Read the BTA press release on their blog and browse full coverage of the SK Northwest case in the BikePortland news archives.

Read the Bureau of Development Services 57-page decision (PDF).

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