SK Northwest — one of Oregon’s largest dealers of personal watercraft and ATV’s — refuses to give up on their plans to develop property on the Willamette (without granting riverfront trail access) just south of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI).
Click to enlarge graphic
The company has already faced a string of denials from the City of Portland’s Bureau of Development Services. The denials (one against the initial proposal and two against appeals to that decision) stem from land-use issues and the developer’s unwillingness to incorporate access for a Greenway Trail easement that exists on city planning maps.
The appeal was filed by land owner Wayne Kingsley (he also owns the Portland Spirit cruise ships) and SK Northwest owner Shawn Karambelas. They go before a Land Use Hearings Officer tomorrow morning.
From the appeal document on file with BDS, SK Northwest’s lawyers claim that,
“the decision’s application of the Greenway Trail designation and the Greenway Design Guidelines imposes an unconstitutional exaction.”
Another sticking point for SK Northwest is that they feel even if they granted riverfront trail access, the connection between the Eastbank Esplanade (to the north) and the Springwater Corridor (to the south) would still not be possible (due to other properties on either side, see map above).
In their statement, they maintain that “The Greenway Trail requirement…lacks a nexus to the proposed development,” and that the City’s, “analysis of impacts and trip generation is erroneous.”
BDS is still seeking comments on this proposal. To comment, you may write or testify at the hearing. The case number is LU 06-171821 GW.
For more information about this hearing, view the official hearing announcement (PDF).
I have covered this story extensively since the saga began over one year ago. To learn more, visit my SK Northwest story archives page.