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Bells on Bikes event a big success

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

A group of volunteers concerned about bicycle and pedestrian safety on crowded bike lanes and paths, handed out free bike bells to downtown commuters on both sides of the Hawthorne Bridge this morning.

Photo: Margaret Weddell

Community Cycling Center Board chair Margaret Weddell organized the event and said the reaction was “fantastic”:

“We had an amazing time this morning…Every pedestrian who passed said thanks. Cyclists seemed to appreciate the friendly reminder. We got lots of smiles and ringing. Those who were riding bell-free stopped to get a free bell and cup of coffee on the west side.”


Bike Gallery owner Jay Graves says that 150 bells were given away and/or installed. That’s not bad since the volunteers were only out there for a half-hour!

Passing out bells and holding signs were Janis McDonald and Mark Lear from PDOT, Ben Pierce from the Community Cycling Center, Stephanie Routh from Green Empowerment & Shift and Emily Gardner from the BTA.

Weddell says they now have plans to do this on the Broadway Bridge if they can find a safe spot to set up.

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