Cynthia Chilton, the woman behind tomorrow’s Traffic SafeTea event, sent me an interesting map the other day. It comes from the City of Portland and shows the location of all the reported bicycle crashes in the Portland metro area from 1995-2004.
Here’s the map:

“Bicycle Crashes with Injuries and Fatalities: 1995-2004”
Map courtesy City of Portland: Download PDF here (1.0MB)
Map courtesy City of Portland: Download PDF here (1.0MB)
To give us an insider’s view of the data, I called on City traffic safety guru Greg Raisman.
Greg is a knowledgeable and passionate traffic safety “advocrat” (my word for bureaucrats with a heart), and he’s great at making sense out of statistics.
Below is a podcast of an interview I had with him on the phone this morning. In the interview we cover:
- Where the data comes from.
- The most dangerous intersections for bikes in Portland.
- How this data impacts planning decisions.
- How bicycle boulevards play into the equation.
Here is the interview (6 min. 26 sec):
Download MP3 file (5.9MB)