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The Clown House gears up for the season

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Where else can you see grown men dressed as clowns, racing around a mud pit on mini-bikes?
File photo: 4/26/06

I got an email the other day from Dingo the Clown, ring leader of the famous Alberta Street Clown House. For the uninitiated, the Clown House is home to all sorts of fun bike antics, especially during the warm, long summer nights, and especially during Last Thursdays.

Dingo says the Clown House crew is better than ever these days and that they’re getting ready for all sorts of crazy hijinks.

clowns and kids: Fernwood parade 2006
Dingo the Clown
File photo: 8/1/06

“We are gearing up for the summer bike rodeo season. The five of us practice day and night to look like were making it up on the spot. Skid Mark from the Drop Out bike club came by the other day and fixed bikes. I gave him an automobile steering wheel and he gave it to a tall bike he’s building.”

Dingo says he’s looking for contestants for their ongoing Smanarchist Idol talent show. He says they’re looking for new stars of the show and that,

“the good, bad, and the ugly should contact us for Last Thursdays…and you better believe we’ve got prizes.”

Alberta Street clowns
You never know when a bout
of tall bike, pie jousting
will happen.
File photo: 4/27/06

With Pedalpalooza fast approaching, Dingo plans to repeat the success of last year’s Bikini Bike wash. That should be something to behold.

On a more melancholy note, rising rents have put pressure on the Clown House and they are slated to move out at the end of August. Dingo has ratcheted up his efforts to bring in some cash withhis Hot Dog Cart business (which he runs with his beautiful clown-wife Caffeine Jones) and hopes sales will help stretch out their lease for a few more months.

I hope to see lots of people out enjoying and supporting the Clown House this summer.

For the latest Clown House news, check out Dingo’s blog. Also, don’t miss my Clown House photo archives.

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