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A first-timer’s view of the Summit

National Bike Summit 07
Brad Upton from Corvallis.

Here at the Summit we do a fair amount of introductions. Every meeting, every new person we meet.

Usually we say our names and what organizations we represent. It all quickly becomes a blur, until the refreshing introduction of first-time attendee Brad Upton,
“Hi, I’m Brad from Corvallis Oregon. I’m just a cyclist who cares about these issues and wanted to get involved.”
A member of both his county and city bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee, Brad is life-long cyclist and has been a daily bike commuter for ten years.

Besides meeting BTA Director Evan Manvel in Corvallis years ago, Brad came on this trip without knowing anyone in the Oregon contingent. He was a bit worried about that but he has become fast friends with all of us.

Brad, in center, with smile.

Meeting with his representatives in Congress was the highlight of the trip for Brad,

National Bike Summit
Brad holds the Oregon sign
at the state delegation rally.

“During the breakfast rally on Capitol Hill, somehow I ended up right at front. There was Jim Oberstar…and Blumenauer. It was amazing, and I’m totally energized by what happened in our meetings yesterday. Next year I plan on doing more preparation and speaking up even more.”

Brad is too humble, I saw him in action on Capitol Hill yesterday, speaking his mind to Congressional staffers.

In our meeting with Representative Darlene Hooley’s staff he was able to talk with them about specific trails and programs in her district.

National Bike Summit
Nice to meet you Congressman
De Fazio.

Brad’s energy and smarts has been an invaluable part of our efforts here in DC. Members of Congress and their staff have a special appreciation for citizen advocates that are passionate enough about their issue to make the trip to Capitol Hill (especially from the other side of the country).

Will he be back next year?

“For sure, I’ll definitely be back..and I plan on getting even more involved with the BTA and my local groups in the meantime.”

Thanks for joining us Brad, It’s been great having you on the team.

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