I’m on my way to San Jose for the North American Handmade Bicycle Show (NAHBS). It was sort of a last minute thing.
There were just too many stars aligning and I couldn’t pass it up.
Not only are there four local builders and one local company exhibiting, but local randonneuring expert and author David Rowe will be hosting a panel discussion on building long-distance bicycles (one of the panelists will be Matt Bracken, founder of Independent Fabrications, who I met in October).
Add to all that my prediction that the NAHBS will be in Portland next year, and I figured I had to be there.
Besides, thanks to a cool promotional partnership with Eugene, OR-based Bike Friday, I’m getting there in style.

at the airport.]
I’m riding door-to-door with their new “Tikit” folder, which they say is an attempt to “solve the world’s transportation problems.” We’ll see about that.
I rode it from my house this morning, folded it into its own nifty suitcase, checked the bag, and here I am. When I get to San Jose I’ll unpack it, put my bags in the suitcase and ride it to the show.
It’s my first time on a folder, so it should be an interesting trip.
I’ll be writing a full review eventually, but for now, check out the Tikit on their website and stay tuned for photos and reports for the Handmade Bike Show.