[Current issue of Wend magazine with local
bike builders Ira Ryan (L) and Tony Pereira (R).]
Graphic: Wend
bike builders Ira Ryan (L) and Tony Pereira (R).]
Graphic: Wend
The current issue of Wend, a Portland-based adventure magazine, includes a photo spread on wool bike clothing modeled by several local bike builders.
The photos were shot at Kruger’s Farm on Sauvie Island and include Ira Ryan of Ira Ryan Cycles, Tony Pereira of Pereira Cycles, and Natalie Ramsland of Sweetpea Bicycles.
The builders look sharp and are decked out in the latest wool togs, including a sweater from Castelli and jerseys from Portland Cyclewear, both locally-based companies.
[Graphic courtesty Wend magazine]
You can pick up a copy of Wend at REI, New Seasons, Powell’s, and Rich’s.