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Tribune cover story features BTA staffer

The Portland Tribune — just named the nation’s best non-daily newspaper — has a familiar face on its front cover currently in newsstands across Portland.

Michelle Poyourow, the BTA’s events and outreach director is featured in an article about Portland’s young movers and shakers.

Here’s an excerpt:

“I don’t know if I’m one of those change-the-world people,” says Poyourow, who soon will move into her first house with a roommate, in the Sunnyside neighborhood. “I’m too cynical for that. But I can change a few people, and change the city in a small way.”

Way to get noticed Michelle! Your creativity, humor and enthusiasm are a welcomed addition to the community.

And finally, I can’t resist sharing this photo of Michelle from the Tour de Fat last summer…

BTA's Michelle Poyourow at Tour de Fat

(sorry Michelle 😉 )

NOTE: In the same issue, reporter Joseph Gallivan has a story about his experiences commuting on an electric bike for a week.

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