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New feature: Job Listings

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Since so many of wonderful, smart, and eminently-employable folks visit this site every day, I frequently get contacted by HR people wanting to post job announcements.

They rarely warrant their own post, and I’ve never had a good place to put them…until now.

Behold, the new BikePortland Job Listings.

So here’s the deal. If your company or non-profit wants major exposure (60,000 visits so far this month) for key positions, you can have them listed on These are paid listings and jobs will run for 30 days.

Contact me for more details, and yes, non-profits get a healthy discount.

To get things started, this month you’ll get your first listing at no charge.

To maximize exposure of your listings, I’ll run the latest jobs in the sidebar, create a banner ad to promote them, and post the listings once a week on the main page.

If you’re a job seeker, you can sign up for the Job Listings RSS feed, subscribe to email updates of new jobs, or browse the current listings.

Most of the jobs will be bike-related, but they might also include positions from other bike-friendly companies who know that cyclists tend to be smarter, healthier, and just plain better employees than the non-cycling population ;-).

If you have questions or feedback, please let me know. Otherwise, check out the current listings:

Chris King Precision Components

Sustainable Energy in Motion Bike Tours

[Props to Chris King’s marketing honch Chris Distefano and people person Diane Citrin. They both gave me great feedback and encouragement on this.]

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