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OHSU plans bike injury prevention study

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Last month, during my sneak peek at the new OHSU Tram, I met an avid bike commuter named Ellen Peck. Turns out that in addition to volunteering with the OHSU Bike Commuters Group, she is also an R.N. and the clinicial research coordinator for OHSU’s Trauma Department.

Ellen told me about an interesting clinical study she was planning that would take a look at injury prevention among bike commuters in Portland. Here’s the official word from OHSU:

Ellen Peck and her colleagues are interested in finding out whether effective intervention could help reduce injuries in the bike commuter population. The proposed two-year study is just getting off the ground, and Peck is currently exploring opportunities to find support for the study.

Two other large metro-area employers with robust commuter programs will be asked to join the OHSU bike commuters group in the prospective clinical trial. Peck envisions a collaborative project with many partners.

This study should provide some interesting data. Ellen says the project is still very preliminary, so I’ll post more details as they become available.

If you have feedback or would like to know more information, feel free to leave a comment or contact Ellen at (503) 494-6517 or pecke[at]ohsu[dot]edu.

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