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Bike Portland makes the cover of PDX Magazine

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Cover of PDX Mag.]

OK, so maybe it doesn’t say…but the cover of the October issue of PDX Magazine (“Portland’s where to go and what to do magazine”) does say “Bike Portland.”

Not sure if the writers had my site in mind, but hey, I’ll take whatever I can get ;-).

Seriously though, check out the solid bike scene coverage in this free ‘zine. You can download a PDF of the entire issue on their website.

I’d never really paid much attention to this magazine until now, but I like their style. Anybody that titles a cover story, “Park Your Car For Good” is OK in my book.

[First page of the article]

The story is great intro to the Portland bike scene. I’d recommend picking up a copy and keeping it for your out-of-town guests, or sending it to any bike-loving friends and family you’re trying to woo to Portland.

[P.S. Please have mercy on the photo editors for not putting a helmet on the rider.]

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