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Alpenrose hour record falls

[Seth Hosmer]
Photo: CMG Racing

Seth Hosmer, a 31 year-old Woodstock neighborhood resident and racer with the CMG Racing/Alpine Mortgage Cycling Team set a new hour record Saturday at the Alpenrose Velodrome.

According to OBRA‘s Candi Murray Seth took advantage of “ideal conditions” and pedaled his bike around the fabled banked course just over 166 times in an hour for a total of 44.64438 km, beating the previous record (set by Todd Duncan in 2005) by only .39 kilometers. Seth rode 27.73 mph for an entire hour!*

Alpenrose Challenge
[Alpenrose Velodrome]
File photo

Seth, a professional cycling and fitness coach, said about 20 people witnessed his ride including his fiancee, team manager and several of his teammates. One of Seth’s friends is putting together a documentary film about the attempt which should be completed later this week.

It was Seth’s first attempt at the hour record and his first season on the track. I asked him how it went:

“The first 20 minutes were sweet, the middle third was OK, and the last 20 minutes was all pain. After the ride, I could hardly walk. I needed help getting up the stairs out of the velodrome, and I was not able to drive home. Today is much better.”

And next season should be even better.

This is a great accomplishment, especially for a rookie on the track. Congratulations Seth!

*Thanks to Jim for crunching the numbers.

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