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More good vibes from ODOT

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Judging from what I’ve read and heard recently, it seems like ODOT might actually be walking the walk in making an effort to improve their relationship with the bike community.

First, I reported about Charles Sciscione’s desire to “make amends” with the bike community after the fallout surrounding the St. Johns Bridge.

Then, this morning I had a nice talk with one of ODOT’s local managers, Joyce Felton. One of her projects is doling out cash and choosing “community enhancement” projects as part of ODOT’s big Delta Park to Lombard I-5 widening project.

Joyce, who rides a bike to work, has the Bryant Street bike and pedestrian bridge in North Portland (and just 2 blocks from my house) on her radar screen for possible improvements. Next week, she and I will ride over to the bridge and check it out (stay tuned for a report).

And finally, I just read an interesting post by the BTA’s Scott Bricker. He said high-ranking ODOT manager Jason Tell just sent the BTA a letter that stated in part:

“I am initiating a review of Region 1’s bicycle/pedestrian program. As part of this initiative, I will be seeking input from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and other stakeholders this fall…”

Scott also reports that ODOT has officially done away with their ill-fated Highway Bike Ban proposal.

I feel like ODOT is beginning to realize that if they utilize their considerable power and purse strings to encourage bicycle use our transportation network will work better for everyone.

Past differences behind us (but not forgotten completely), I hope we can look forward to a kinder, gentler ODOT in the future.

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