The Community Cycling Center (CCC) in Northeast Portland has announced a mural project.
According to the CCC’s Alison Hill the mural will be painted on the west facing wall at 1700 NE Alberta Street and will depict a children’s pedal-powered costume parade. A local artist, with funding by the Regional Arts and Culture Council, is set to complete the painting by the end of August.
They’re looking for volunteers to help complete the project. If you’d like to help here are the details:
Volunteers with strong drawing skills are needed from July 1-7th for gridding the pattern. Volunteers from July 8th until the end of August are needed for painting the image. People with art backgrounds are preferred but not required. We ask that you commit to at least one day a week for a month or more. The painting will be conducted from 9 am to 2 pm Monday-Saturday.
If you don’t feel like you are the artistic type, there are other ways to support the mural painting by organizing supplies, food and beverages for the crew of artists. Supply donation needs include: yogurt/plastic containers with lids, paint brushes, drop cloths, paint trays, paint tray liners, paint rollers, and large beverage coolers.
If you’re interested, contact Neal at Volunteer [a] CommunityCyclingCenter.org.