Several people have emailed me lately wanting to know more about the free bike repair being offered on some local bridges and on the Eastbank Esplanade during their morning commute.
Turns out the folks behind this are The Bike Gallery’s Barb Grover and service manager Brett Flemming. They call it “Ride-In-Repair” and have been doing it since April. I asked Barb for the lowdown:
“We’ve wanting to get out and do roadside repair in Portland for a long time. Brett’s on a mission to inflate every tire and de-squeak every chain out there. I just love being out there and meeting folks.
Of course SHIFT’s Breakfast on the Bridges beat us to the coffee and pastry serving and they showed us it could be done. We figured that there’s never too much love and started doing Ride-In-Repair in April. Brett and I have been on the Hawthorne Bridge and the Steel Bridge (on the Esplanade) each month since and plan to continue with our second Friday of the month appearance on the Esplanade (except September when we are both working out on the road with Cycle Oregon).
Downtown Service Manager, Nick Moore, liked what we were doing and decided to organize a third Thursday appearance by the downtown BG crew. He and Justin Ferry were on the Hawthorne Bridge yesterday but could show up anywhere there are commuters.
We provide free expert mechanical check-ups, minor repairs, air for tires, lube for chains, and free Peet’s coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and pastry. May I add good conversation too. I’ve really enjoyed some wonderful, fun, and informative chats with very interesting and surprisingly awake cyclists and walkers.”
Big kudos to The Bike Gallery for getting out there and wrenching just for the love of it.