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Bike Summit plans announced

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The City of Portland has announced more details about the upcoming Portland Bike Summit. It will be held at PSU’s Smith Center (1825 SW Broadway) on June 17th from 8:30 to 1:30.

Workshop topics include:

These workshops are intended to inform, energize and empower Portland bike advocates and enthusiasts to go forth and spread the word. The City realizes they cannot take Portland platinum on their own so they hope to enlist an army of advocates to help them reach that goal.

This isn’t just some ho-hum exercise in public outreach, the organizers behind this event are going all out to ensure this event becomes the seminal moment in a movement to take this city’s bike friendliness to the next level. Let’s not disappoint them.

Imagine the perception we can make on politicians, the media, and city bureaucrats if hundreds of bike advocates turn out for this Summit eager to do whatever it takes to get more people on bikes. The ball is in our court. Let’s show them how important we think bicycles are to the sustainable future of this city.

You can register online and I look forward to seeing you all there.

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