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Bike Summit fund drive a success!

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

I’m happy to announce that I’ve now raised almost $1000 for my trip to the National Bike Summit in Washington DC. I’m all registered, I’ve bought my plane tickets, and even snagged a hotel room right across the street from the Summit.

Huge thanks to everyone who donated. I’ve been amazed at your generosity and kind notes. I am honored to represent the Portland bike community and I’m excited to bring my unique perspectives on advocacy, activism and community building to this event.

Special thanks to one loyal reader (who will remain nameless) who paid my entire $350 registration fee (!).

I’m grateful to all of you, even if you weren’t able to donate. Just by reading and contributing comments you play in important role in making this site a success.

Stay tuned for reports, photos and scuttlebut from DC!

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