Clicking through my feedreader today I came across a great post and inspiring photos by local cyclist and inventor Todd Fahrner. Taking advantage of a glorious break in the weather, Todd followed his neighbor to the store to pick up groceries with her two kids…all by bike. The trip was was made smooth and easy because of Todd’s revolutionary new product, the Stokemonkey Human Electric Hybrid Drive.
His Stokemonkey kit works in concert with the Xtracycle system to create a bicycle that is by far the best car substitute I’ve ever experienced. Once installed, it gives your bike enough power to carry huge loads at speeds comparable to neighborhood driving, while making almost no sacrifice in stability and control. And I speak from experience; Todd has ridden his at around 30 mph with me (180 lbs) sitting comfortably on the back.
If you’ve ever dreamed about zipping through town on a bicycle, loaded with kids and groceries, or any type of cargo, you can stop dreaming and get in touch with Todd via his website.