There are two urgent issues that need input from Portland cyclists.
First, please submit your comments on the River Plan Concept draft before they are due December 1st. The River Plan includes the Willamette Greenway Trail and city planners need to hear that you want this new trail that will connect Cathedral Park to the Eastbank Esplanade (wouldn’t that be amazing!?).
The River Plan Committee will take action on the draft plan December 12th and forward their recommendation to the Planning Commission for adoption. Please take one minute to email them at!
And for mountain bikers, now is the time to speak up for access to the Mt. Hood Wilderness. If you want to continue to be able to ride your bike in the backcountry you need to show up in Hood River or PSU this Saturday (Dec. 3rd) and let Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and Greg Walden know how you feel. Visit the PUMP website for all the details.