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Cyclists on the St. Johns Bridge

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A while back I posted something about how ODOT (Ore. Dept. of Transportation) had decided not to make cycling safe on the St. Johns Bridge. ODOT has caved into special interest groups and ignored the research on traffic congestion on the bridge. The result is a remodel plan that makes crossing the bridge dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians.

Now, the mighty BTA has written a scathing op-ed on the topic voicing their disapproval of ODOT’s decision. Here’s an excerpt:

The St. Johns Bridge is the only bridge spanning the Willamette River for five miles north or south. ODOT is currently planning to remodel the bridge in a way that endangers pedestrians and bicyclists, fails the freight community’s stated standards for trucks, and is nerve-wracking for everyday car commuters – even though all of these problems can be solved at no cost.

Under pressure from special interests, ODOT simply ignored the facts at hand. The result, if it is allowed to go forward, is a bridge that will continue to be unsafe for the quarter of the area’s residents who cannot drive.


Write a letter telling the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) that you want ODOT to restripe the bridge with two wide travel lanes and shoulders. Here are some of the points you may want to use in your letter:

Address your letter to the Chair of the Oregon Transportation Commission:

Stuart Foster, Chair
Oregon Transportation Commission
355 Capitol Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

Please also CC Portland City Commissioner Sam Adams, the new Transportation Commissioner:

Sam Adams
Portland City Council
1221 SW 4th Ave #220
Portland, OR 97204

Finally, be sure to CC the BTA so the BTA knows how many folks have spoken up:

Evan Manvel, Executive Director
Bicycle Transportation Alliance
PO Box 9072
Portland, OR 97207

Thank you for supporting safe cycling in Portland!

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