Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know we are having a white elephant gift exchange at Bike Happy Hour next week — an idea that came from local bike advocate extraordinaire Joe Perez during open mic this past Wednesday. And our gracious hosts at Migration Brewing have donated a grand prize: Everyone who participates will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Migration Brewing gift card!
Here’s how it will work:
- Please bring a wrapped, bike-themed gift that is worth $15 or less. The funnier, the better — and it can be only tangentially related to biking and/or Bike Happy Hour.
- All gifts will be placed in a pile on one of the tables.
- Everyone participating will get a number.
- Player #1 can select any gift from the pile. The first player opens the gift and shows it off to everyone.
- The following players can choose to either steal Player #1’s gift or grab a gift from the pile.
- A gift can only be swapped once per turn and a gift can only be swapped a total of three times.
- ***All players will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Migration Brewing Gift Card Grand Prize. (Thanks Migration!)
We are just trying to have fun so rules might change without notice. If anyone has other suggestions, let me know. And of course you are welcome to join us even if you choose not to play.
Can’t wait for this special BHH Holiday Party – a new tradition! Remember to wear your ugly sweaters and other Christmas garb if you’ve got it. See you next week!
P.s: If you haven’t joined us at the new location yet, it’s nice and cozy and I think you’ll like it. Conveniently located on N Williams Avenue between N Failing and N Shaver. Check out there website for more info and see photos below for a vibe check.