I’m throwing in the towel.
After four years of writing for BikePortland, and almost as long moderating your comments, I’m pretty worn out. That’s about 150 stories, and a hundred or so “Comment of the Week” posts.
And I’ve loved it. Writing for BikePortland is not something I ever planned for or expected to do, or even knew I wanted to do, but I so appreciate that Jonathan took a risk and gave me this opportunity.
The timing is right for me to step back. I’ve covered the Southwest in Motion roll-out, Capitol Highway and other southwest projects, active transportation policy, the rose lanes, TriMet’s Forward Together plan, charter reform, the election results, and land use. To be honest, I don’t expect much more to be happening, transportation-wise, in the near to medium future in southwest Portland. (Probably some big announcement will come out next week just to put a point on me not knowing what I am talking about.)
Last year I joined the board of SWTrails and I plan to step up my involvement with that group. So I’ll still be around, and might even contribute a post or two — just like other occasional contributors.
A couple words about Jonathan. It’s been a pleasure for me to work with him. He’s an excellent editor, and I was surprised to discover how much I like being edited. I have also learned a lot from him about how to put together a news story. Thank you Jonathan, and here’s to spending time with you in the queues.
And to all you commenters, I really did read all your comments, and enjoyed it for the most part. BikePortland has a good thing going with our comments sections and I think BP is one of the few places on internet where commenters can have meaningful conversations with people they might not completely agree with. Keep it up, and go easy on JM, moderating well is a lot of work.
Come and hang out with Lisa at Bike Happy Hour tonight! 3:00 – 6:00 pm at Migration Brewing on N Williams Ave.