“I appreciate that they have prioritized our safety.”
Welcome to the Comment of the Week, where we highlight good comments in order to inspire more of them. You can help us choose our next one by replying with “comment of the week” to any comment you think deserves recognition.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of five comments this week from readers who had recently ridden through an intersection we reported about, or had long experience with an area. You sharing your thoughts finishes the story for us and adds depth to the reporting. This week we show our appreciation by highlighting one of those comments.
Pockets the Coyote wrote a sweet couple sentences in response to our SW Infrastructure update about the courtesy and care which flaggers on Multnomah Blvd have shown them. I liked the comment because it jibed with my experience too. The workers building the basins are friendly, helpful people, and the whole PBOT Capitol Highway project exemplifies excellent community relations.
Here’s what Pockets the Coyote wrote:
I commute through the construction on Multnomah Blvd daily, and in my (morning/evening) experience the flaggers have been wonderful when it was closed to single lane, either giving me and other cyclists priority through the lane, or waving us through the coned off lane.
I appreciate that they have prioritized our safety.
On the subject of safety I would like to see significant changes to the Garden Home/ Multnomah/ SW 69th mess of an intersection at the Old Market Pub.
You can read Pockets the Coyote’s comment and the full comment thread on the original post.
Thank you for the positive comment, Pockets!