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Happy New Year everyone!

Me in Laguna Beach, California a few days ago.

Hello friends (and everyone else too).

You’ve probably noticed things have been pretty quiet around here. That’s because I just got back from visiting family in California for Christmas, and unlike years past I decided to leave my computer in my bag the entire time.

I know it’s New Year’s Eve and most of you are ready for some pensive and/or party time before the clock strikes midnight… but I just wanted to say Happy New Year and thank you for an amazing 2021. We accomplished a ton this year and BikePortland is poised to get even better in 2022. And we cannot do it without your engagement and support.

Stay tuned next week when we wrap up the top stories of 2021 and share a few thoughts about where we think things are headed in the new year.

And of course, our usual daily offerings of important news and information will start up again on Monday.

Happy New Year!

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