We’ve very excited to share a new video that’s the first of a new collab with Portland photographer and filmmaker Amit Zinman.*
Amit and his crew tagged along with Ross Bradley from PDX Remove By Bike this past weekend to clean up a section of the Springwater Corridor at Oaks Bottom (the event was organized by Solve). It’s a spot that’s hard to reach by truck, so it was perfect for Bradley’s unique brand of bike-powered clean-up.
When all was said and done, around 38 volunteers pulled and picked and hauled and pedaled 4,700 pounds of garbage out of the natural area!
Ross is doing amazing work and has a growing cadre of cargo-biking volunteers. But he needs help! He showed me receipts from the weekend and when he tallied up the cost of dump runs, trailer and dumpster rentals, trash bags, and snacks for volunteers, he had spent almost $500. That’s a big expense for someone doing this all out of their own pocket. If you appreciate this all-volunteer effort and want to see more of it, please consider sending Ross a few bucks via Venmo to @onetireflyer. You can also reach him via email at Removebybike@gmail.com.
Watch the video to hear from Ross and other volunteers.
See more videos here and stay tuned for more BikePortland/Bike Stuff collabs!
(*You might recall when we shared Amit’s Pedalpalooza photos back in August and his Bike Stuff YouTube channel is full of cool stuff.)