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The Monday Roundup: Love and hate cycling, no more ‘peak hour’, helmet vid, and more

Good morning! Welcome to Monday.

Here are the most noteworthy items BikePortland readers and editors came across in the past seven days…

A Bilenky for Boris: The bike President Biden gifted to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was built in Philadelphia — and the handlebar came from the Ahearne Cycles shop in north Portland!

How green? A handy chart of carbon emissions by mode of travel (gleaned from existing research and news articles) puts bikes — even e-bikes — in two of the top four spots.

Big trucks, big problem: Even Consumer Reports understands the dangers of huge pickups and the need for better federal safety standards to regulate them.

An open letter to America: This person’s “Dear Chicago” post at Bike Lane Uprising could have been written about almost any major U.S. city and it’s extremely frustrating that we are still at this point in 2021.


How I came to love cycling: Similar to the above piece, this story from a B.C. journalist expresses the sheer delight of embracing cycling, even if there are moments of true peril on every ride.

Those without a car: I love the framing of low-car policies from a transport policymaker in Edinburgh who says, “When we only have policies that support car use, what we’re essentially saying is that 45 per cent don’t matter – well, they matter to me.”

Good and bad about e-bike boom: It’s crystal clear that e-bikes can save the world, so governments should do everything possible to clear up confusing rules and regulations.

Rush hour and the pandemic: Must-read in NY Times about how the pandemic impacted commute patterns and how everything we’ve known and planned for around peak-hour traffic might have changed for good.

Video of the Week: This is the one helmet PSA video to rule them all (and the fact that it comes from the Danish Road Safety Council makes it all the more noteworthy)…
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— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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