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Please take the 2021 BikePortland Reader Survey

We are looking for the best route forward.

Hi everyone.

As we near our 17th spring together, I cannot think of a better time to learn more about who follows our work and how we can do it better.

I’m excited to finally share the 2021 BikePortland Reader Survey and I would be very grateful if you filled it out. This information is vital as we continue to serve the community and try to meet — and exceed! — your lofty expectations.

The last time we did a reader survey it was 2010 which is an eternity in the wild world of grassroots, independent, community news!


Portland and the people who live here have changed dramatically too. As our city and the issue of cycling has evolved and transformed, so too has our work and our audience. It’s very strange to me how BikePortland is simultaneously nothing like it used to be, yet also very similar. I feel like much of the debate about our comment section going on right now has to do with this change. (By the way, there’s a “yes/no” question about whether or not we should even have a comment section.)

Change is hard but it’s also required if we want to get better. On that note, this survey has added importance because we are also embarking on our first ever comprehensive site redesign.

Your input will; help us build a healthier business, design the new site, respond to feedback, learn important information about who we serve, and most important, do a better job serving this community.

Thanks in advance for taking a few minutes to fill out the survey and if you can share it with a few friends I’d really appreciate it.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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