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Lyft and transit partners launch ‘Ditch your car’ contest in Portland

It’s very true. Try it!

“We spend so much time, money, and effort driving around cities. Wouldn’t it be great if we could leave our cars at home sometimes?”

That’s the headline for a new contest just launched by ridesharing company Lyft. The “Ditch Your Car” challenge is a partnership between Lyft and local public transportation providers including Biketown, TriMet, Portland Streetcar, and Zipcar.

50 lucky Portlanders will be chosen through an online sign-up form to participate. They’ll be given $549 in ride credits to use for one month. Winners will get $300 credit from Lyft, a 1-month Zipcar membership (with free activation), plus $100 drive credit, a 1-month TriMet and Portland Streetcar pass, and a 1-month Biketown membership (good for 90 minutes of Biketown a day for a month).


The contest is obviously a marketing ploy; but it’s also a way to encourage people to stop driving. By joining together, the companies are making it clear that the carfree (or low-car) future will rely on using multiple modes to get around. (Noticeably absent from the list of partners is an e-scooter provider. Lyft has an e-scooter but they’re not permitted in the current pilot program.)

“Ridesharing has already changed the way Americans depend on owning a car and how we get around cities,” reads a press statement. “But now it’s time to take an even bolder step toward creating a new future of mobility.”

Sign-ups started yesterday. Once chosen the program will run from October 8th to November 6th.

Throw your hat in the ring at

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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