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Meet the Team: Fun never ends for Team Nonstop

A weekly ride in Forest Park is a staple for Team Nonstop.
(Photo: @teamnonstop/Instagram)

“We all fully understand how intimidating the cycling scene can be and want to create a friendly place for people to feel welcome.”
— Carley Leins

Welcome to the first of what we hope will be many more local team/club profiles!

Portland is full of great groups of people who share a love for riding bikes. If you’re looking for inspiration — whether it leads to racing or not — we hope these short profiles will help you find your people.

We’ll kick off the series with Team Nonstop. I’m not sure if it was their fun Instagram account or the cool tank tops they wore at a recent Short Track race that first caught my eye. Either way, I knew they were up to something worthwhile. I asked Carley Leins to share a bit more about the team…

How’d Team Nonstop get started?

A few months ago a group of us that mountain bike together wished we could just have a fun, supportive, but still competitive group of women to hang out with and have fun with at cross events and then someone said “You know we could do that.” From there, we figured we could be a platform for other women that wanted the same thing.

What’s Team Nonstop all about?

We’re about community. We’re about supporting, rooting for, and empowering women in cycling. We’re about striving to be our best in our sport and helping others to do the same. We’re about having fun and being kind, welcoming, and silly. We’re about giving back and getting rad. We’re about bikes and beers and smiles. Our main goal is to get new and experienced W/T/F [women, trans, femme] cyclists out together on fun adventures, group rides, events, and races. Regardless if they’re on our team or not we just want to support W/T/F getting out there, having fun, pushing ourselves. We all fully understand how intimidating the cycling scene can be and want to create a friendly place for people to feel welcome to join our rides/hangouts/events and from there get into cycling more.

What type of riding do you do?

The majority of the people on our team do cyclocross, but we also have a good number of people that do road, mountain bike, and some track curious people. We also just go on adventure rides for fun!


What type of riders and people are currently on the team, and who do you want to join?

We have a rad group of lady riders that are into cyclocross racing, mountain biking, road racing, adventure riding, and some track racing. They include police people, teachers, coaches, and bike mechanics. We don’t care if the person is a cat 1 or a cat 5, we want to support anyone who wants to be involved with the community and help support W/T/F cyclists.

Please share your regularly scheduled rides that are open to the public:

Forest Park Thursday night ride with Team Coastal. Meets at Metropolis Cycles (2249 N Williams Ave) at 5:30 or at the Thurman Gate/Leif Erickson Trailhead at 6:00 pm every week through the month of August.

Cyclocross practice at 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights (that’s tonight, 8/8!), location varies (meet at Alberta Park). We also host various mountain bike adventures on the weekends.

How can we stay connected and follow your adventures?

Instagram: Teamnonstop
Email: teamnonstoppdx [at]

What else do you want the community to know?

Whether you want to be on a team or not, we love having new faces out to our group rides. You don’t have to be on our specific team in order to show up to our tent at races either, all are welcome!

Thanks Carley! Have fun out there and have a great ‘cross season!

If your bike club/team wants to be profiled here, just drop me a line.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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