(Photo: Patrick F.)
It looks like the worst of the snow and and ice and cold is finally behind us. According to my weather app we should be back to the normal 50s and rain by next week.
But with a foot of snow still on the ground and cold temps sticking around, our roads and paths will be a mess for quite a while. That means it will be tricky getting around town and some of our favorite destinations won’t be open for business. With that in mind, it’s time to share what you know about local routes and destinations.
We know a lot of you have started to bike around town. Or maybe some of you are still opting for MAX and bus? Either way, can you help inform others about what’s open, what’s not, and the condition of various routes?
This is something we’ve done during/after many storms over the years (see Related Posts below). It’s also nice to consider sharing which gear and bike set-up is working (or not working) for you in these conditions.
Thanks for sharing what you know…. Ready, set, go!