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Do you know who your child’s Safe Routes to School coordinator is?

(Graphic: City of Portland)

If you are new to Portland or new to taking care of a little one, you might not realize how awesome our city’s Safe Routes to School program is. Working with partner nonprofits like The Street Trust (formerly the Bicycle Transportation Alliance), the Community Cycling Center, Oregon Walks, and others, the program serves 180 schools citywide. And it works.

The schools with the best programs are the ones where caregivers, parents, and teachers have built a relationship with staff from city’s transportation bureau. PBOT is the place that can set you up with maps and lots of other resources that will get more of your school biking, walking, and rolling to school. But many people aren’t sure where to begin and don’t know who to talk to to get things rolling.

PBOT has just made that much easier.


Their latest Safe Routes to School newsletter includes a map of all the school districts in Portland along with the names and contact information of the corresponding city staff member who can answer your questions and help you plug into the program. The current team of Janis McDonald, Lale Santelices (a fluent Spanish speaker), and Xao Xiong (fluent in Hmong), are ready to help get Safe Routes going at your kids’ school.

Now is a great time to get involved with Safe Routes. In the coming months and years the new gas tax will fund 11 infrastructure projects around schools valued at over $8 million.

Add your school’s coordinator to your contact list and don’t be a stranger!

— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 –

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