Due to the efforts of the Transportation Committee of the Sellwood Moreland Improvement League (aka the Sellwood neighborhood board), there are now Bike/Ped crossing advisory signs on SE 13th (headed northbound before it curves to the East and turns into Bybee) as well as new bollards placed in between the car lane and the bike lane on SE 14th north of Bybee. SE 14th at this location is a one way street (southbound), but for a low volume street has seen a lot of wrong-way drivers turning onto it and using the bike lane. This street is very high volume for pedestrians and cyclists, as it is the feeder street to Llewellyn Elementary School further North.
The Transportation Committee had been advocating for a crosswalk/signal at this intersection, but PBOT does not have the funds and motivation for a project there at this time (aside: the committee is looking into fundraising options to fund the project ourselves). That said I am personally really quite pleased that the two improvements were made within only a few months of the request and subsequent PBOT analysis.
Sorry no picture — I noticed the improvements on my morning run and it was dark and I didn’t have a picture taking device on me.