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The Monday Roundup: Viadoom joyride, Detroit’s shared bikes and more

borrowed bike
Right after the race.
(Photo via Allison)

This week’s Monday Roundup is sponsored by 21st Avenue Bicycles, your summer bike adventure suppliers.

Here are the bike-related links from around the world that caught our eyes this week:

Bike swap: A racer on New Mexico’s grueling Tour of the Gila broke his bike in a Stage 1 crash — but swapped with a spectator and “rode a bitchin’ early-80’s Specialized to the finish,” complete with rear rack.

Detroit Bikes: Motivate, the country’s largest bike share operator is shifting assembly to Detroit.

Solar e-bike: It recharges its own batteries.

Waterslide commuting: A Democratic candidate for governor has a plan to solve congestion between Portland and Vancouver: two massive water slides, each descending to the other side of the river from the top of a 30-story parking garage.

Transit parking: “Bike parking is possibly the most cost-effective way to support transit ridership,” concludes a new literature review of transit parking policy.

Truck-only lanes: Freight will get two dedicated lanes on 38 miles of I-75 near Atlanta.

People who speed: They seem to share common psychological characteristics with people who drive drunk.

London mayor: The newly elected Sadiq Khan “talks a decent talk on cycling, but some fear his heart is not in it.”


Road negotiation: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has convened a big stakeholder committee (including the Bicycle Transportation Alliance) to work on a transportation deal.

Against “accident”: “Ask any first responder or cop the number one problem in a winter ‘accident’ and they’ll tell you speed,” writes Lorraine Sommerfeld of the auto website Driving, making the case for the word “collision.”

Freeway movie: The Colorado Department of Transportation shot and produced a 30-minute film about how great a freeway expansion will be for the immigrant community it’s supposed to run through. It got 135 views in six months.

Why suburbia? Most Americans choose suburbs not because they love suburbs but because they’ve decided to prioritize what suburbs offer — despite “social and environmental costs that many people simply don’t want to pay.”

Jane Jacobs: The late writer, born 100 years ago last week, was to urban planning as “Freud was to psychology,” but “nearly everywhere” that has followed her advice, “gentrification and displacement follow.”

Woody Allen: The filmmaker showed up at a community board meeting in New York City to oppose a bike lane on E. 70th Street.

Seattle commuting: The temporary closure of the Alaska Way Viaduct is leading to a massive boom in bike use.

Seattle joyride: Last Thursday night, 75 cyclists snuck onto the closed Viaduct for a night ride above the city.

Seattle backpedal: Months after voters overwhelmingly approved a pro-bike transportation levy, Seattle has halted most progress on its central-city bike plan.

Biking and pollution: The health benefits of physical activity easily outweigh the harms from breathing more dirty air while walking or biking.

Homelessness and danger: People who live in tents face far more risk themselves than anyone biking past them does, says Portland writer Elly Blue.

If you come across a noteworthy story, send it in via email, Tweet @bikeportland, or whatever else and we’ll consider adding it to next Monday’s roundup.

— Michael Andersen, (503) 333-7824 –

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