Did you know Portland is home to a premier cycling videography and photography company? Path Less Pedaled, which specializes in bike tourism advocacy and has worked for clients including Travel Oregon and Ortlieb panniers, has another project and they’re looking for subjects to help make it happen.
Here’s the info they just sent us:
Marketing Photo Shoot for International Bicycle Bag Manufacturer (February 2016)
What: The Path Less Pedaled will be photographing still images of new bikepacking bags for a major bicycle bag manufacturer (bags are not public yet, hence the embargo). The photos will show the talent riding bicycles which are outfitted with the manufacturer’s bags.
When: 2 full days of shooting, between February 8-18, 2016 (final dates TBD with all parties’ input). Shoot will involve multiple locations across Central Oregon, which will dictate leaving Portland very early on the morning of Day 1, and returning to Portland after dark on Day 2.
Talent Needs: Ideally, one man and one woman, roughly 25-35 years of age, athletic appearance. Talent must be capable of and comfortable riding a bicycle offroad, including gravel roads and singletrack (bikes and gear will be provided). Professional modeling experience not necessary.
Compensation: Talent will be paid $200-250/day. All transportation will be provided during the shoot, as well as meals and outoftown lodging.
To Be Considered: Submit 1 headshot and 1 action shot of yourself to Laura Crawford at: pathlesspedaled@gmail.com.Submissions Due By: January 29, 2016.
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— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 – jonathan@bikeportland.org