Ti Cycles is celebrating 25 years in business. Davy Levy’s small company based in Portland’s northwest hills above Highway 30 is known for pushing the envelope in bike design. Levy is a legendary titanium specialist whose creations are perennial favorites at events like the North American Handmade Bicycle Show (NAHBS), the Oregon Manifest, and others.
To mark their silver anniversary, the crew at Ti Cycles plans to release a series of promotional videos, “highlighting the exciting and innovative history of Ti Cycles and heightening the brand’s image on the The Internet. Thus far, results are questionable, but the videos are pretty fun.”
Check the videos out below.
Year 25 of Making Noise from Ti Cycles on Vimeo.
Year 1 of Questionable Commercials from Ti Cycles on Vimeo.
— Industry Ticker is a regular feature where we highlight local bike companies. For consideration, please email us your latest news.