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Metro launches #BikeThere2015 Instagram contest

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward


Metro is running a contest all this month to promote the new edition of the Bike There! map.

You can enter the contest and win cool prizes; but you have to have an Instagram account (like Metro does). To enter, “post your photos of life on two wheels” and use the hashtag #bikethere2015. Metro says they want to see shots of, “stunning sunsets, remote destinations, your favorite trail or the everyday things in your neighborhood that you can only see when traveling by bike.”


Each week’s winner will receive prizes ranging from bike shop gift certificates, bike accessories and a free map. One grand prize winner will get a big gift pack and the photo will be published in Our Big Backyard, Metro’s quarterly magazine.

We’re big fans of this map because it’s the highest quality, most complete representation of the entire region’s bicycling routes you can buy (and I don’t say that just because they’re currently advertising with us). As an added bonus, they’ve dropped the price this year to just $6.

You can find out if you’ve won by checking Metro’s Instagram account where they will announce the winners each week.

Good luck!

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