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Agenda set for the Portland Bike Theft Summit

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We’re just one week away from the first ever Portland Bike Theft Summit, sponsored by Bike Index. To refresh your memory it’s happening next Wednesday, December 10th from 6-9:00 pm at Velo Cult Bike Shop and Tavern (1969 NE 42nd Ave).

Things are coming together nicely and we’re excited to share the event agenda. We’ve worked hard to get all the key local players in the same room to inspire and inform our next steps in the effort to thwart bike theft. If you come to the summit you’ll get to meet other community advocates who are working on this issue and you’ll get to know (and learn from) key players who are in the trenches of the battle on a daily basis.

We’ve confirmed attendance from representatives from many agencies and organizations including: the Portland Police Bureau, Mayor Charlie Hales’ office, the Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement Crime Prevention program, the Bureau of Transportation, Portland Parks & Recreation, Bike Index, Project 529, the Multnomah County DA’s office, business owners, and more.


We’ve also connected with local filmmaker Guthrie Straw who’s working on a bike theft documentary. Guthrie will have a “story box” set up to record your amazing tales of bike thievery and recovery.

It will be a fun, educational, and inspiring evening. And it’s free!

Scroll down for a text version of the agenda or check out the PDF here.



5:45 – Doors open and networking
Grab a drink and open your mind to bike theft. Take this time meet new crime-fighting partners and record your bike theft story with documentary filmmaker Guthrie Straw.

6:10 – Welcome and opening remarks by Jonathan Maus, founder and editor of BikePortland
Bike theft is out of control in Portland. It’s a complex problem intertwined with other complex problems. But there’s no reason to feel hopeless! There are many things we can do to get a better handle on it. The first step is understanding the scope and context of the problem, who the local players are, and what solutions might be feasible in Portland. In his opening address, Jonathan will explain his expectations for the summit, present new data to illustrate the problem, and share what he’s learned from over seven years of reporting about the issue on

6:20 – Bike theft story shorts
Audience members will share their 30-second bike theft stories.

6:30 – Panel discussion #1: Enforcement
“Death to bike thieves!” is a popular mantra; but catching thieves in the act, giving them due process, and then holding them accountable, requires a bit more tact than vigilante justice. Our panelists will share their experiences in the trenches of the bike theft battle — from police work on the streets, to busting repeat offenders. Time for Q & A will follow. (All panels moderated by Jonathan Maus)

7:00 – 7:10 – Break for networking (and other fun stuff TBD)

7:10 – Panel discussion #2: Prevention & Technology
With knowledge comes power: the power to prevent bike theft and to recover a bike once it’s stolen. What is Portland currently doing to educate residents about bike theft prevention and recovery? What technology is available to help recover bikes and how can it be improved? Our panelists are experts in the high-tech and marketing side of the equation. Time for Q & A will follow.

7:40 – Solutions slam
Let’s hear them! Folding bikes, bait bikes, mandatory bike registration, GPS trackers, explosives, other ideas?

8:00 – Panel discussion #3: Parking
Parking is an often overlooked piece of the bike theft puzzle. Rack design, location, availability (or lack of it) and other factors can have a huge impact on security. From the ultimate solution of bike valet to the ubiquitous blue staple racks, this panel will explore how parking impacts theft and what’s being done about it. Time for Q & A to follow.

8:30 – Final Q & A, wrap up and closing remarks by Jonathan Maus

If you haven’t already, RSVP for the event (and invite your friends!) via Facebook.

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