(Photos: J. Maus/BikePortland)
Sunday Parkways is a rare government program that enjoys nearly universal support. It has no detractors — or at least none that would risk the political and social fallout that would surely come if they shared their opinion. And what’s not to love? Carfree streets, free entertainment, and a huge helping of smiles and civic pride all rolled up into one event.
But even still, we shouldn’t rest on our laurels. Here in Portland, we should always “do it better” (as our Zoobomb friends like to say).
In that spirit I asked my fellow Sunday Parkway citizens a question during the event yesterday: If you could change one thing about Sunday Parkways, what would it be?
We also heard from several of our friends on Twitter…
@BikePortland @SundayParkways If I cd change 1 thing? Make them more frequent. Regular events train drivers & require less costly policing.
— PJ wants Trump to pay for his crimes (@__P__J) July 27, 2014
@BikePortland I'd love bike-friendly-for-kids routes from nearby neighborhoods to Parkway. I hate driving to @@SundayParkways
— joan (@joanbybike) July 27, 2014
@BikePortland @SundayParkways All year long every month! I only got to go to 1 last year because of work! I want more opportunities!
— Halley Weaver (@bikeleptic) July 27, 2014
Move it to Seattle! MT @BikePortland: If u could change one thing about @SundayParkways what would it be?
— Seattle Bike Blog (@seabikeblog) July 27, 2014
@BikePortland @SundayParkways earlier start time – mornings are so much better for outdoor exercise in summer.
— Michelle DuBarry (@DuBarryPie) July 27, 2014
@BikePortland @SundayParkways longer routes would be nice! Also, more often.
— Nathan Hinkle (@nrhinkle) July 27, 2014
@BikePortland @SundayParkways make all vendors take credit cards
— Myopic Friend (@myopicfriend) July 28, 2014
Thanks for sharing your opinions everyone.
So… What (if anything) would you change?