You’ve simply got to watch this new video put out by the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation. PBOT is just over a one month away from their first Sunday Parkways event of the year (May 11th) and the video was made to kick off their fundraising efforts.
Each Sunday Parkways event costs PBOT about $100,000 to put on and the city’s budget only pays for about one-third of the costs. Vendor fees and corporate sponsorships cover most of the remaining expenses; but PBOT relies on donations from individuals to fill the remaining $20,000 funding gap.
The video is aimed at selling the event and it features only a gentle (maybe too gentle?) request for donations at the very end.
What stood out to me while watching it was how professional it looks and what an excellent job PBOT did of telling the story about what Sunday Parkways is, why it matters so much, and why it deserves support (not that anyone opposes it or anything). And my favorite part was the very end, when the narrator said, “And come to think of it, why wait for Sunday Parkways?” as the camera panned out to show a family rolling out for a bike ride.
Nice job PBOT! And kudos are also due to the man behind the film, Matt Giraud of Gyroscope Pictures.
Here’s the link on YouTube.