(Photo: Washington County)
A road in rural Washington County that’s a popular cycling route should become a bit nicer to ride on thanks to a new ruling by the county’s Board of Commissioners. The ruling prohibits vehicles longer than 30 feet from using Jackson Quarry Road (map), a narrow and winding road that connects to West Union, which is a key connector for many cycling routes in the Helvetia area.
Here’s more from Washington County’s Dept of Land Use & Transportation:
Washington County’s Board of Commissioners has authorized a 30-foot vehicle length limit on Jackson Quarry Road between Mason Hill and Helvetia roads. Signs identifying this restriction will be installed soon. Trucks exceeding 30 feet in length must use an alternate route or apply for an oversize truck permit.
Jackson Quarry Road is classified as a rural local road and is popular with bicyclists. The non-restricted portion of Jackson Quarry Road between Helvetia and West Union roads is on the Vineyard and Valley Scenic Tour Route. North of Helvetia Road, Jackson Quarry Road is narrow with some very sharp curves. According to 2011 traffic counts, about 600 vehicles use Jackson Quarry Road each day; about 12 percent of the traffic is trucks.
At least two times this year large trucks got entangled in the guardrail in the curves. An engineering study found that trucks longer than 30 feet over-track into the oncoming lane, onto the shoulder, or into the guardrail. The length restriction should improve safety for all travelers along the road.
It’s interesting to note the reference to the road being “popular with bicyclists.” Makes us wonder whether there are other narrow roads in the area that could be made safer and more comfortable to ride on with stronger motor vehicle regulations.
Learn more on Washington County’s website.