host Boaz Frankel and his portable interview desk.
(Photo: Pedal-Powered Talk Show)
Wielding what claims to be “the only talk show desk bicycle in the world,” the Portland-based Pedal-Powered Talk Show is about to launch its third season of using a desk mounted on a Metrofiets cargo bike to conduct video interviews about a variety of subjects in weird and wonderful places.
“I’ve always liked talk shows, but those seem boring to me filming in the studio,” said PPTS co-creator and host Boaz Frankel. “Since it’s a mode of transportation as well as being a desk, we can take it anywhere. … On the side of a mountain. Into the studio of a Native American flute maker. Into chocolate factories.”
That’s exactly what Frankel and co-creator Phillip Ross have done:
Most of the interviews, which are edited and run two to eight minutes, aren’t bike-related; instead, Frankel and Ross have realized that a bike is a tool that can make their program unique.
“The show becomes about something else, and it’s also about the journey of getting somewhere,” Frankel said Wednesday. “If it’s raining, that’s a part of the show. If it’s freezing, that’s part of the show. If it’s really hot, that’s part of the show.”
The first season launched in January of 2012, and the second in fall 2012. Frankel said the third season, which features excursions to Eastern Oregon, will begin posting episodes in November.
“We already have eight in the can, and we’ll probably be filming more,” Frankel said. Here’s their promo sequence for the new season:
You can check out the first two seasons (or, if you’d like, sign the show’s tongue-in-cheek petition to be featured on Portlandia) on PedalTalkShow.com, and subscribe to Frankel’s channel on YouTube here.