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Portlanders bike back to school (photos)

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Trillium Charter School on North Interstate.
(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland)

Schools in Portland are back in session as of yesterday, and that means the biking to school season is upon us once again. (That, combined with the Bike Commute Challenge and the all the regular Portland bike traffic, often makes September feel like the busiest biking time of year.)

Yesterday we asked readers to tweet us photos of the bike racks at their kids’ schools with the hashtag #bikebacktoschool. Check out a few of the images below…

Reader Tony Jordan said the racks at Glencoe Elementary school in southeast Portland were at full capacity…

Sellwood resident Peter Koonce sent in these photos from Llewellyn Elementary…

And dudeluna shared this photo of full bike racks at his child’s school (but we don’t know exactly what school it is yet)…

And finally, I snapped a few shots at Trillium Charter School in north Portland…

This bike parking box was recently painted right at the front/main entrance. It’s an idea I stole from Amsterdam and it’s intended for drop-off/pick-up use only.

How do the bike racks look at the schools in your neighborhood? Hopefully we see continued growth of biking to school in Portland this year. With strong programs from PBOT and the BTA, we expect nothing less!

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