ECHOS Communications, a marketing agency based in Sausalito, California with deep roots in the cycling industry and San Francisco-based Chrome Industries, announced this morning that they’ve launched the Urban Cycling Hall of Fame. The mission of the UCHOF is to “celebrate the culture of urban cycling and showcase the history and people shaping the modern urban bike movement.”
“We felt it was important that somebody take this moment and recognize the people who got us where we’re at today,” said Chrome President Steve McCallion during an interview with BikePortland last month (I’ll share more from that interview next week).
Here’s more from the official announcement:
“UCHOF pays tribute to those individuals who have contributed significantly to the urban cycling culture and draws attention to the influence urban cycling has had in popular culture through events, products and legendary triumphs of influential cyclists. UCHOF’s mission in the first year is to collect the artifacts and stories of urban cyclists to create the Collections that will tell the story of urban cycling and educate the public on urban cycling culture. At it’s core UCHOF was born from the desire to unite riders and gather collectibles to tell the story of where we came from and who helped us get here”
The UCHOF will recognize three categories of inductees: “the Riders”, the “Organizers”, and “the Makers” and they’ve put out an open call to the public for nominations. Here’s how they define each of the categories:
Riders are recognized heroes who have earned respect from a local to global level. Organizers are the masterminds who work behind the scenes of legendary events that play a pivotal role in the cycling culture. Makers celebrate the true artisans of our time and are those who have proven their excellence and add value to the community we live and ride in.
The first class of inductees will be selected by a committee that includes photographer/blogger John “Prolly” Watson, Olympic track cycling silver medalist (and former New York City messenger) Nelson Vails and noted messengers Kevin “Squid” Bolger, Christina Peck, Austin Horse, and Andy White. Inductees will be announced at an award ceremony during the Interbike trade show in Las Vegas this September.
Similar to other hall of fames, in addition to members the UCHOF will also include a collection of artifacts “that define urban bike culture.” The Collections will premiere at Interbike and will be housed permanently in San Francisco; but portions of the Collections will travel to Chrome’s retail stores. Anyone can submit to the Collections via an online form and Chrome will also scour the country this summer in their 1976 GMC motor home dubbed “Chrome One” (which will be piloted by none other than Amanda Sundvor, a former 21st Avenue Bicycles employee and manager of Chrome’s Portland store).

The UCHOF has Portland roots, not just because of our obvious contributions to urban cycling, but because Portland resident Billy Sinkford (a.k.a. “Souphorse”) spearheaded the endeavor. I sat down with Sinkford (a former messenger himself) and Chrome’s McCallion last month to learn more about the UCHOF. Sinkford says he realizes urban cycling “means a lot of different things to a lot of different people,” but for him it’s about, “those who live by the bike in an urban environment.” McCallion adds that the UCHOF will also include advocates and “people that are proponents of more bikes in the city.”
It will be excited to see how the UCHOF develops in the coming year. One key aspect of its success will be participation from people like you. If you have stories, nominees, or actual artifacts of urban cycling you’d like to share with the UCHOF, check out their website to learn how to get involved. You can also follow the UCHOF on Instagram and Twitter at @UrbanCyclingHOF.