Anyone living in Portland has surely heard the doomsday predictions for tomorrow. It’s going to be well into the 90s! That’s like heat-ageddon around these parts. In all seriousness, it will be hot (so hot TriMet says their trains will slow down). But don’t let these scare tactics keep you from riding! Sunny and dry weekends are like gold around here, so while I encourage everyone to ride, it’s probably smart to at least keep the heat in mind when planning your time in the saddle.
Three summers ago, I shared a few tips on sultry cycling survival and many readers chimed in with tips of their own. Some of the basics include: stay hydrated (and consider freezing an extra water bottle so it stays cold); plan your ride before and/or after the hottest parts of the day; and try to incorporate a local fountain, sprinkler, kiddie pool, lake, river, or other water source into your ride.
Speaking of riding to the water… A few folks are meeting for a water gun battle/fountain ride tomorrow. “Bring your super-soakers and squirt guns” reads the ride description and meet at the Salmon Street Fountain at 2:00 pm (and don’t forget a few bucks for a stop at an ice cream shop).
Some people swear by lightweight merino wool in the heat; and then there are others who simply prefer to wear nothing at all. If you relate to the latter, there just so happens to be a Sunny Naked Ride planned tomorrow (which is also a protest against allowing GMO Canola in the Willamette Valley). Meet up at Coe Circle (3900 NE Glisan) at 1:00 pm with some very nice naked people for a roll through northeast Portland.
I like riding in the heat. It reminds me that bicycling has yet another excellent advantage over other forms of transport — free air conditioning (as long as you’re moving and the breeze is cool of course).
What are your plans for the weekend? Will you change/adapt them for the heat? Do you like riding when it’s hot?