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The Monday Roundup

Colorado governor signs a bill
that closes a hit-and-run
loophole as bike advocates
look on.
(Photo: Bicycle Colorado)

Here’s the news and other cool stuff that caught our eyes this past week…

– Ray LaHood is excited for the Green Lane Project (which Portland is a part of), saying the “DOT and the Federal Highway Administration like traffic-separated lanes because they increase safety.”

– There will be 2,000 fewer buses on Ottawa, Canada streets each day after the city shifts much of its bus traffic to light rail which will open up of space on city streets for the “bike lanes of the future.”

– 18 year-old Nap Cantwell, son of Elysian Brewing’s owner and the deputy curator for the Seattle Art Museum, passed away after he was involved in a collision with a motor vehicle while riding his bicycle in Seattle.

– Sometimes, when compared with the penalties for other driving infractions, the seeming lack of consequences for killing someone while driving a car raises the question “is someone’s life equal to a mild parking infraction?

– Colorado’s Governor signed a new law that increases the penalty for leaving the scene of serious bodily injury crash, bringing it up to the level of the penalty for drunk driving.

MotorTrend takes a look at why young people are driving less and discusses the merits “reallocating Federal Highway Trust Funds to existing roads that need repair, rather than to expanding roads or building new ones.”

– And speaking of young people’s transportation habits, Federal Railroad Administration chief Joe Szabo says Congress needs to catch up with everyone who’s already realized young people are aren’t driving as much as previous generations.

– In Boston, a young man was convicted of killing another person and will serve one year in a correctional house, based on a 2010 state law which made it a crime to injure or kill someone while texting and driving.

– A look at Washington DC streets 100 years ago shows that people on bicycles were front and center on city streets.

– Biking to school is regaining popularity in Seattle with some schools seeing more than a quarter of students participating in May’s bike to school programs.

– Many people passionately argue that everyone should wear a helmet when riding a bike but there are also emotional and statistical arguments to be made for not worrying about helmets quite so much.

– Here’s a great comparison of bicycling advice from two wildly different sources: Bicycling Magazine and Grant Petersen’s new book Just Ride.

– Everyone knows riding a bicycle is a good workout for your body, but regular pedaling can also help people cope with chronic mental conditions like ADHD.

– The joy of riding a bike is pretty much universal, even if you ride in Bicycling Magazine‘s worst city for cycling.

– You’ll want to have a look at this gallery of amazing photos of people on bicycles around the world, including one two from right here in Portland!

– “The rise of the citizen cyclist” is changing the face of New York City’s transportation network and the people who use it.

– LIFE released their photo gallery celebrating “mutant bikes” from 1940s Chicago, some of which look very similar to bikes on the streets of modern-day Portland.

And now, our weekly peek at cool videos…

– If you’re looking for a way to get your bike across the river, this origami kayak looks like it would fit perfectly on a bicycle:

– And finally, here are some fun bicycle colors and sounds:

— Did you find something interesting that should be in next week’s Monday Roundup? Drop us a line. For more great links from around the web, follow us on Twitter @BikePortland.

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